Specialist Vendor Marketing Services
Adopt. Implement. Modernise.
Elevate your B2B marketing to the next level.

Partner & Vendor Marketing Programmes
Proven track record in delivering IT marketing services for the IT channel since 1998.
Create engaging marketing campaigns targeting either IT end users or IT channel audiences, to get yours or your partners messaging out there. Whether it’s a ‘Campaign in a box’ or a fully integrated multi-touch marketing approach you are looking for, CPB can deliver.
Our automated, customisable, customer-centric campaigns combined with clever use of compelling and continuous communications will develop strong customer relationships, brand loyalty and demand creation.
Funded Head Service
CPB acts as an extension of your sales and marketing team, offering strategic support and covering time consuming administration and support tasks, including:
Lead generation, pre-sales support and ROI reporting
Inbound marketing or CRM management
Senior level ‘Marketing Services Leaders’; expert and fully trained in your field
Flexibility - availability can be ramped up or slowed down, depending on need

Partner Recruitment
Accelerate sales with the right channel partners
CPB UK will find and recruit new technology partners that are the right fit for you. At CPB we fully understand the IT channel market and have been working with vendors and partners from all technologies since 1998.
Engage and onboard new partners with partner incentive programmes, via our demand creation services:
Account-based Marketing
Channel Data Intelligence
Digital Marketing
Event or Webinar Promotion
Multi-touch Marketing
Surveys & Research

Platforms & Software
Simplify and automate the generation and management of sales leads
CPB's Sales Lead Manager is a powerful tool which supports strategic marketing objectives. It helps you nurture, track and report on sales leads and enables consistent and meaningful dialogue with viable leads until the appropriate time for a salesperson to take over.
Creating efficiencies, the software will
Automate the distribution of sales leads securely and efficiently
Generate automatic reminders and update requests, thereby encouraging a more lead follow up
Provide visibility over all partners and delivers insights into their activities
Produce a full range of reports and dashboards, making it simple to track progress and ROI

IT pipeline and lead generation experts.