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Helen Pritchett

Summer marketing delivers pipeline growth

Updated: Sep 28, 2023

Summer marketing delivers pipeline growth

Each year we write a blog to remind our clients not to take their foot off the gas during the summer. We reiterate the importance of summertime marketing (which delivers pipeline growth) and how crucial it is to stay top of mind with purchasers and influencers at a time when they are more likely to have the head space to discuss projects, goals, requirements, and to make decisions.

This year we thought you might find it interesting to read the results in real time, to see what our success rate has been with summertime marketing and how our clients’ ROI is looking healthier and their pipeline more solid as a result. Summertime is crucial for continued pipeline build, to help with a more positive sales target outcome for end of year, so we are delighted that we helped our customers achieve just that.

Summer 2023 has seen a buoyant level of campaign activity and CPB UK Ltd delivered campaigns have produced noteworthy results. During the summer of 2023, campaigns run by CPB on behalf of our clients generated circa 450 new sales leads. When nurtured, qualified, and followed up, 36 of these leads have resulted in over £1 million in pipeline (to date). This equates to an impressive £27,000 per lead! As an agency, it’s often difficult to track precise pipeline figures, as we’re not always made aware of exact numbers and progression, so what we can be sure of is that the actual pipeline figure is in fact higher than previously mentioned.

I also want to point out that this £1m pipeline is just what we know about in September, we know there will be more conversions in the coming weeks and months and this figure will rise.

As you know, pipeline building blocks take time and dedication and sales conversions from conversations that began in the summer months will continue to hit the books as we go through the autumn, into winter and even through to 2024.

To what do we owe the success of our summer campaigns? As with everything there is a mix of ingredients that deliver success but one of the key factors is lead follow up. Good follow up mentality and activity is crucial for leads to move from top to bottom of funnel. CPB offers the following good practice advice to sales teams who are allocated sales opportunities from a CPB led campaign:

  • Ensure that the lead is reviewed within 24 hours

  • Follow up the lead within 24-48 hours

  • Flag the opportunity within your internal CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform

  • If there are any potential issues, flag to CPB within 1 week so we can assess the lead

  • Make sure that the opportunity is deal registered with your internal team(s)

“Time kills all deals” is a statement commonly used in sales. Once you lose momentum, your chances of closing reduce significantly as time gives the buyer more time to re-think the reason for the purchase. If the pace of the conversion conversation slows, do not lose heart and be persistent!

Don’t lose momentum!

  • Update, track, and manage the opportunity throughout its sales cycle via your CRM

  • Arm yourself with an arsenal of specific information you can send to prospects on request and hone your objection handling skills!

  • Send relevant, valuable information to every prospect regularly – stay top of mind!

  • Ensure that you involve the necessary internal resource if assistance is required in any remit of lead progression and do so quickly!

  • Follow leads on social and interact positively with your prospects; offer solutions, thought leadership and advice

  • Be tenacious in getting that face-to-face meeting in the diary – whether virtual or in person, make eyeballing the customer a priority.

  • Have belief in yourself and your product and don’t give up!

Thorough and efficient lead follow up is effective and pays dividends in ensuring success. It’s not rocket science and can be achieved by any sales development or internal sales team, whether in house or virtual.

What can we learn from our experience this summer?

  1. Summertime marketing works – don’t miss out next year!

  2. Short term conversion is thing. You don’t have to wait 7 years for a lead to become a sale!

Point 2 illustrates why end of year marketing is just as crucial for commencing 2024 pipeline build and delivering pipeline growth. Start campaigns in the next 4-6 weeks to be on the front foot going in to 2024. Targets are tough but proactive marketing can put you ahead of the game. You never know you might even pick up some last-minute projects for completion in 2023!


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