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Helen Pritchett

2021 – A Year of Hope

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

It is with great excitement and anticipation that we enter 2021. After the challenges and struggles so many faced (and continue to face) with the Covid-19 pandemic during 2020, a new year brings new hope and new enthusiasm.

A new year beckons with aspirations and expectations for better times ahead. And we have reason to be hopeful.

Despite the new variant we have a vaccine, 3 in fact, and these are being rolled out to the wider population as I type. We are hopefully that these vaccines will help us return to pre-pandemic days before too long.

CPB UK had a good year in 2020. We faced the challenges and tests with confidence and aplomb. Our Directors handled the year with a calmness and level-headedness that bred confidence in the rest of the business. We worked from home for 9 and a half months. Remote working suited our fully committed and engaged team of expert telemarketers, digital marketers and data scientists, able to do their jobs just as efficiently from their homes as from the office. Yes, we missed the camaraderie and solidarity of the team environment, but our team spirit did not wane, and we kept one another going throughout the year. Again, the senior managers should be applauded here for their efforts in maintaining the high levels of mutual support and for focusing on wellbeing as well as the bottom line.

Speaking of the bottom line, congratulations are due to the whole CPB UK family who delivered an outstanding year in trying circumstances. We had one of our best years in terms of client revenue wins and pipeline, as a result of CPB UK generated opportunities. We delivered more campaigns, made more calls, sent more emails, had more decision maker conversations, created more digital marketing campaigns, and supplied more data intelligence for the IT Channel than in 2019.

We’d also like to applaud the wider CPB staff family (and our contacts and associates) for making a concerted effort to support a number of charities throughout 2020. In a year where suffering was at the forefront of everyone's minds, our team supported charities in the following ways:

  • We held a raffle to support Australian charity WIRES which was rescuing wildlife affected by the January fires and raised £2000

  • We held a fancy dress fun day in aid of Carers UK and raised £210

  • November saw us supporting Movember and raising £215

  • At Christmas we helped a charity called Help & Hope for the Homeless to the tune of £1000

This year we’re going to continue our efforts to support those less fortunate, starting with a campaign to tackle loneliness. Our team will be making calls to friends and family who live alone or are prone to loneliness to bring a little cheer to their lives. Just a 5-minute call is recognised to lift a person’s spirits, and in the cold, dark winter months of Lockdown 3, this could be more important than ever. To find out more about how you can help to tackle loneliness visit the Campaign to End Loneliness website.

A bright future awaits 2021 has got off to a great start for CPB UK. We continue to work from home (as per government guidelines) but are open for business and we are busy. We are engaging with clients, continuing to help them develop their marketing plans and for the year and delivering those campaigns that have already started. Targets are there to be met, if not exceeded, and our teams are busy. The sales function is working hard to deliver for and develop existing clients and excited to onboard new ones. Our data scientists (at sister company ProspectaBase) are gathering, expanding and cleansing data to ensure we have the absolute best UK IT industry contact data. Our innovation team is immersed in developing and creating new services and collaborations that we will be launching this year (watch this space). We work in an inspiring, cutting edge industry and there is a lot to be excited about.

Our predictions for 2021 are that marketing and sales functions wishing to engage with existing and net new prospects will need to be more innovative than ever.

  1. Digital and social outreach will continue to be a pivotal focus

  2. Improvements and technical innovations in cloud technologies will make remote working even more effective and efficient

  3. Correct value proposition and thoroughly thought-out audience criteria will be essential to deliver personalised campaigns

  4. Microsegmentation will be at the heart of all marketing activity

  5. Account-based marketing will prevail in equipping suppliers with a deeper understanding of target prospect operations and landscapes

  6. Market research initiatives will be key in helping suppliers stay abreast of market trends, demands and opinions

The world changed for everyone in 2020 and we must all embrace the changes that are required for successful business development goals in 2021 and the years ahead. Let’s make 2021 a year of further innovation, embracing operational growth and further strengthening all aspects of a B2B demand creation ecosystem.


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